Technology and Digital Storytelling

What can data visualization learn from feminism?

Data is often perceived as “the view from nowhere.” But in a talk at Northeastern, researcher Catherine D’Ignazio cautioned that this view is dangerous: “We have to remember that the view from nowhere is always a view from somewhere, and it’s usually the view from the body that’s regarded as the default.” I summarized her points about what data visualization has to learn from intersectional feminism in a story here.

How The Washington Post designs its Snapchat stories

In this feature, I talk to two Washington Post Snapchat Discover designers and ask them about what goes into making the weekday Snapchat story, as well as strategies and tips they have for using the medium. The story serves as a way for smaller publications to see what they could do using Snapchat and envision a path to begin experimenting with the social media.

Read the story here.

The Impact of Racial Bias in Facial Recognition Software

Based on a talk by Stephanie Kim, a software engineer at Algorithmia, I summarized the causes and effects of racial bias in facial recognition software and detailed solutions for data scientists to train facial recognition software that is not biased. This is a topic that had come up a lot in the news around the time I planned to do a write-up of this talk, so I was able to detail some fairly technical explanations around this topic.

Read the story here.

Mail Processing with Deep Learning: A Case Study

Over the course of my internship at Open Data Science I became very interested in deep learning, how it worked and its applications. So, I watched an ODSC talk detailing a case study of using deep learning for automated letter classification. In the summary I draw out the primary steps that go into the deep learning process and include as many graphic representations as possible.

Read the story here.

Other stories:

Self-Driving Cars, Generated News Among Top October Research

Six Big Companies That Use Visual Search

How to play fantasy sports strategically—and win

How John Branch told the story of three Indian climbers that died on Everest

How the Palm Beach Post unearthed an opioid conspiracy with roots in Florida

How nwzer wants to rebuild journalism using AI and citizen reporters